We added ucr.edu to the list of domains that automatically qualify for free Academic Accounts: sign up with a ucr.edu email and you will automatically get a free 10-user plan.
We added ucr.edu to the list of domains that automatically qualify for free Academic Accounts: sign up with a ucr.edu email and you will automatically get a free 10-user plan.
We have added the University of Malaya to the list of domains from which people can automatically qualify for a free Academic Account: anyone signing up for Kerika+Google with a um.edu.my email — students, teachers and administrators — can automatically qualify to have up to 10 Team Members working on boards owned by their account.
We have added temple.edu to the list of domains that automatically qualify for free Academic Accounts — just sign up with your @temple.edu email and you can have up to 10 Team Members working on the Task Boards, Scrum Boards and Whiteboards owned by your account.
We have added @Open Window in South Africa to the list of schools we support with free Kerika Accounts. Sign up with an openwindow.co.za email and you will automatically qualify.
Following a request from a student at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain, we have decided to add UOC to the list of universities and schools where users automatically get free Academic Accounts.
A free Academic Account is intended to help students and educators get more done with their teams: a free Account has all the features of Kerika, but is limited to a maximum of 10 Team Members working on boards owned by that Account.
Every user can set up their own Account, so effectively it is possible for a very large group of students and educators to use Kerika free for their academic work!
If you are interested in getting Kerika for your (nonprofit) school or college, please get in touch!
We have added Talladega University, located in the city of Talladega, Alabama, to the list of schools and colleges where users can automatically get free Academic Accounts from Kerika when they sign up.
This means that anyone with a talladega.edu email address who signs up for Kerika will automatically get a free Academic Account, allowing them to have up to 10 people working as Board Admins and Team Members on their boards.
We have offered free accounts to small nonprofits and schools/universities from the very beginning of Kerika’s existence, but this was always on an ad hoc basis: someone would occasionally ask us for a free account for their school or nonprofit team, and we would agree.
Looking back, we found that we agreed to almost 99% of all the requests that ever came to us: the only situations where we turned someone down were
With these caveats aside, we have tried to be very generous and helpful for small organizations that are doing philanthropic work, or are schools.
But our old process for dealing with these requests was really haphazard, and when we implemented our new billing system and improved account management features, we also made it easier for us to grant nonprofit status to a much larger group of organizations, providing they are small teams.
Our new process makes everything much easier for schools and nonprofits: we are whitelisting entire domains so that everyone from that domain who signs up automatically gets a free Academic & Nonprofit Account.
This means that only person ever needs to make a request on behalf of a school or university: if that gets approved, we will approve it for everyone from that school/university.
With a free Academic/Nonprofit Account you can have up to 10 people working on boards owned by that account: it doesn’t matter how many boards you have, or how big these boards are.
If you need more than 10 people, you will need to sign up for a Professional Account, which is $7 per user, per month (normally billed annually, as $84 per user).
Here’s a partial list of schools and universities we have already whitelisted for free service:
Among small nonprofits we have whitelisted:
(Update Oct 12, 2018: we did a better sort of the list, to be purely alphabetical by organization name.)
We occasionally get requests from Gmail users for a free Academic/Nonprofit Account; we often have to turn down these requests.
With a free account from Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc., it is impossible for Kerika’s staff to confirm that a user is truly from a qualifying organization.
As a result, these requests don’t get quick approvals, which is available for people signing up with an email address that clearly points to a nonprofit or academic account.
We can make exceptions in particular situations where we are sure a Gmail user is using Kerika solely for a nonprofit purpose, but this is rare.
If you are working at a nonprofit or university, please sign up with your official email address.
We have been offering free Kerika Accounts to schools and universities for many years now, and we have made this easier and more broadly available.
A free Academic Account lets the Account Owner have up to 10 Team Members working on boards owned by that Account, and this service is really intended to help small nonprofit groups benefit from Kerika.
With our new billing system we have added an admin feature that let’s Kerika staff whitelist an entire domain as Academic, which means that all accounts created within that domain will automatically get free Academic status.
If your school or college wants to use Kerika, let us know: we have already whitelisted dozens of domains.