Category Archives: Uncategorized

You can’t change the extension on a document

We have made a change to the Card and Board Attachments feature to prevent users from changing the extension of a file they have already added: for example, a “.xlsx” file can’t be renamed as a “.docx” file.

We did this because changing the file type often had unpredictable consequences when a Team Member tried to upload an attachment.

This restriction applies to the most common file types, not all. Here’s how it works:

Image file attachment
Image file attachment

In the example above, an image has been added as an attachment to this card, and it has the .PNG file type/extension.

When you hover your mouse over any attachment, Kerika will show you the actions that are possible with that attachment, one of them being Rename.

Attachment options
Attachment options

If you select Rename, Kerika will make sure you only change the file name, not the file type/extension (.PNG in this example):

Renaming a document
Renaming a document

Shock, horror: Harvard divests 0.03% of its equity portfolio; Apple must be going out of business?

It isn’t hard to see example of “Apple-bashing” in the press these days: just take a look at Bloomberg’s website where the top headline in its Personal Finance section, for the past three days running, is entitled “Harvard Liquidates Apple Stake After IPhone Sales Lose Steam”.

If you read past the headline, the second paragraph lays it all out in devastating detail: Harvard has sold a grand total of $304,000 in Apple shares (about 571 shares at a price of $573), which represents 0.03% of its equity portfolio (and about 0.1% of its total endowment).


Science project: does spam attract spam?

We get a ton of spam on this blog, all from robots so they appear in waves: dozens of similar sounding comments that are attached randomly to various blog posts.

A little while ago we decided to run a little science experiment: we took one of the funnier spam comments (they are all inadvertently funny, since they are composed by people who have a shaky command of the English language), and decided to reuse it as blog posting.

The science experiment was to see if a spam blog posting would attract the same amount of spam as a real blog posting: in other words, to test whether the spam engines made any attempt to read the content of blogs before providing their inane commentary.

The results are in: spam blog postings attract as much spam as real blog postings.

Goodbye, Internet, it was nice knowing you…

(And, our thanks in advance to all the spam engines that will respond to this blog posting: keep up the unintended humor; it makes us feel superior.)