Category Archives: Technology

Posts related to technology in general.

Up next: a replacement for the Google Docs Gadget

The current version of Kerika uses an embedded Google Docs Gadget, that’s part of the Sidebar within the application. There’s no polite way to describe this software, which comes in four different flavors from the mighty Google itself; let’s just say that the technical term for it is “p.o.s. software”.

A Google Docs Gadget is supposed to be something that you can easily embed within a website or application: it supposed to provide easy, direct access to your Google Docs from within your site or Web App. There are at least four official Google Docs Gadgets out there:

  • There’s this one from “Claudia C. and Ted C.“, both employees at Google – as you can easily see by viewing the XML code for this Gadget. It doesn’t work, which probably explains why Claudia and Ted are coy about revealing their last names. And when we say it doesn’t work, we don’t mean that it has some subtle bugs that are unlikely to surface for most users: just visit this Gadget, at Google’s own official website, and try setting the number of documents to show in the list. It doesn’t work.
  • Here’s another one: presumably a later one than the first, since it’s authorship is attributed to “Claudia C. and Ted C. Modified by Gordon Bunker”. We don’t know who Mr. Bunker is, but he couldn’t get Claudia and Ted’s Gadget to work properly either.
  • Here’s a third one: also the work of Claudia C and Ted C. This one is hilariously broken: just visit the link that says “Add to your home page” and you see the helpful message “Error parsing module spec: Not a properly formatted file missing xml header”. So, here we have an example of two Google employees, hosting an official Google Gadget, on Google’s own website, that is completely broken…
  • Finally, we have this one, attributed to “Claudia C., Ted C., and Sam B.”. Sam, like Claudia and Ted, found it wiser not to disclose his last name given he somehow managed to reduce the utility of the original Gadget.

So, there you have it: four different, official versions of the embeddable Google Docs Gadget, none of which work… The situation became untenable for us because with the latest version of Google’s Chrome browser, the drag-and-drop function stopped working altogether. No small irony here, that Google’s own browser doesn’t work with their own Gadgets, when Firefox’s drag-and-drop continues to work.

We can’t fix these Gadgets because they were built by Google employees; instead, we are building our own replacement for this Gadget which we expect to release this weekend. It’s simple, functional and reliable. It will let you perform a search across all your Google Docs, and drag-and-drop results from this search straight onto your Kerika pages. And, it will work on all browsers.

A single-click if you are under 35, a double-click if you are over 35

When we first built Kerika, we deliberately modeled the user interface using the desktop application metaphor: projects were organized in folders, and mouse actions were as follows:

  • Select an item on the page with a single mouse click.
  • Open (or launch) an item on the page with a double mouse click.

It seemed the most natural thing in the world to us: everyone on the Kerika team liked it, and we assumed that our users would like just as much.

So it came as a very considerable surprise to us when we observed a generation gap among our beta users, in terms of what they considered to be the most natural way to open and launch items.

The breakpoint is roughly at the 35 years-old mark: people older than 35 had a strong preference for the double-click metaphor, and people under 35 had an equally strong preference for the single-click metaphor: where you select an item with one gesture, and then you select the action you wish to take from a menu that pops up.

The preference grew almost exponentially in intensity as you moved away from the 35-year breakpoint: people in their 50s, for example, had a very strong preference for double-clicking, while people in their early 20s were, for the most part, surprised by the notion that a double-click might do anything at all.

Our theory for this phenomenon is simple: roughly 15 years ago, the Netscape browser came into wide use. People who are older than 35 started their careers before the Web, and first learned to use desktop applications before learning to browse the Web. People under 35, on the other hand, probably first learned to use computers by surfing the Web at college.

(You might guess from all this that the Kerika team’s average age is well over 35, because it never occurred to us that the double-click metaphor might be strange or unappealing to anyone.)

At any rate, Kerika now supports the single-click metaphor exclusively – at this time. The initial feedback we got from our beta users was skewed by the younger demographic, and this caused us to reluctantly abandon the double-click in favor of the single-click. However, we are now hearing more from older users, and a future version – very soon! – will support both the single-click and double-click metaphors.

And while the Kerika application doesn’t run completely smoothly on iPads – for one thing, the Google Docs application doesn’t really run on iPads – supporting the single-click metaphor positions us to ensure that Kerika will run, intact, on tablet computers in the near future.

Use AT&T: it will boost your self-esteem

When you are in a startup, you always a sense of frustration that you haven’t been able to deliver all of your wonderful vision. Of course, it could happen in a big company as well, if you are really passionate about your job, but in a startup it happens all the time because entrepreneurs are wildly, dangerously passionate about what they do!

All the compromises that you had to make because of time and money constraints, the features you were forced to postpone, and this nagging sense of embarrassment that your 1.0 wasn’t all it could have been: “If only I had had more time and money, I could have built all these other cool features for our first release” you say to yourself.

If you ever feel a little depressed about the state of your version 1.0, there are two ways to boost your self-esteem and feel re-energized:

  • Remember the experienced entrepreneur’s mantra: “if you aren’t embarrassed by your first version, you have waited too long to ship“. We are not sure who coined this phrase – it’s been attributed to a number of people over the years – and there’s a great post called “1.0 is the loneliest number” that makes the case for shipping early, warts and all, and then iterating fast in response to customer feedback.
  • The other way to quickly start feeling better about your product is to visit the AT&T website to do something relative straightforward, like adding money to a pre-paid phone. The user experience that AT&T provides is guaranteed to make you feel better about your own product.

Jakob Nielsen’s Power of Ten Principle

We like to think that we have done a fairly good job in terms of designing our user interface. A major influence was the writings of Jakob Nielsen: Kerika’s CEO had the good fortune to meet Mr. Nielsen at a conference in the mid-90s, when corporate America was slowly waking up to the reality – and permanence – of the Web, and Mr. Nielsen just been laid off from Sun Microsystems, which, in its infinite wisdom, decided to get rid of their entire Advanced Technology Group as a cost-savings measure.

Mr. Nielsen fast became a popular speaker at the few Web conferences that were held in the early days, and one could listen to his speeches practically for free. (Now, we understand, it costs about $15,000 to get Mr. Nielsen’s attentions for a single day…). Mr. Nielsen went on to found the Nielsen Norman Group, with Donald Norman who had done pioneering work on product design, and he created a simple newsletter-based website ( that remains a wonderful source of research on Web usability.

What was remarkable about Mr. Nielsen’s approach then, and which we think still is a relatively rare ability among the many design pundits today, is a rigorous emphasis on scientific observation and testing. Mr. Nielsen has never given the impression of being someone who has relied very much on his instincts when it comes to design; he has always emphasized the need for usability testing.

Too many other “pundits” – and here we use that phrase in the American sense of a talking head, rather than the Indian sense of a priest or wise man – rely upon what they believe, often erroneously, to be a superior design aesthetic which they deftly package with enough jargon to make it appear more like fact than opinion.

(Today, we have a beta version of Kerika that we are using to gather usability data: we are sitting down with our initial users, directly observing their reactions – their many sources of confusion and occasional moments of delight – to see fine-tune our user interface. We believe we have done a good job on the main aspects of the design, but there are many rough edges that we still need to sand over, to get the “fit-and-finish” just right. So, while we are immensely proud of what we have accomplished – and the tens of thousands of lines of Javascript and Java code we have written in a remarkably short period of time – we are only too aware of our shortcomings as well…)

Mr. Nielsen writes mostly about website usability, but his observations and principles are very apropos to the design of Web applications as well. We have tried to incorporate his suggestions on perceived affordance and information scent in the various elements of our user interface, but when we expand the discussion from UI to UX – from user interface to user experience – it is clear that performance is a key contributor to an overall good experience.

In his article on the “Powers of Ten” principle, Mr. Nielsen points out that 0.1 second is the response time limit if you want users to feel like their actions are directly causing something to happen on the screen. If a system responds within 0.1 seconds, the system essential disappears from view: the user believes he or she is directly manipulating the objects on the screen.

(A simple analogy is the mouse: when one moves the mouse, the cursor moves immediately on the screen, which is why it is so easy to learn to use a mouse: one quickly forgets its presence altogether, and concentrates upon looking at the screen instead. We often see people who hunt-and-peck at their keyboards; when was the last time you saw someone look down at their mouse to make sure they were moving it correctly?)

To that end, we have tired to ensure that most user interactions when using Kerika fall within the 0.1 seconds time limit: when you add an item to a page, or move it, or delete it, it happens instantly.

Next up is the 1 second time limit, and here we quote Mr. Nielsen:

When the computer takes more than 0.1 second but less than 1 second to respond to your input, it feels like the computer is causing the result to appear. Although users notice the short delay, they stay focused on their current train of thought during the one-second interval.This means that during 1-second response times, users retain the feeling of being in control of the interaction even though they notice that it’s a 2-way interaction (between them and the computer). By contrast, with 0.1 second response times, users simply feel like they’re doing something themselves.

In the Kerika user interface, there are moments when a user will experience a 1 second response time, although not very often: most commonly, this happens when we are waiting for an external website to respond. For example, if you have built a “video wall” of YouTube videos, you may have to wait a second (or two or three) for YouTube to respond when you decide to play a video. This, regrettably, is out of our control. But for the parts of the user interface that are within our control, we have tried to stay within the 1 second time limit.

After 1 second, users get impatient and notice that they’re waiting for a slow computer to respond. The longer the wait, the more this impatience grows; after about 10 seconds, the average attention span is maxed out. At that point, the user’s mind starts wandering and doesn’t retain enough information in short-term memory to easily resume the interaction once the computer finally loads the next screen. More than 10 seconds, and you break the flow.

Nothing, in Kerika, breaks the flow.

Why we chose Amazon’s EC2 over Google’s App Engine: the CTO’s Perspective

A previous post discussed our decision to use Amazon’s EC2 service over Google’s App Engine and Microsoft’s Azure service primarily from a business perspective: the risks we weighed when we made our technology choices last August, and why the decision went in favor of EC2.

(We have also noted previously – lest anyone consider us uncritical fanboys! – that there are limitations with Amazon’s Web Services that have given us some heartburn.)

In today’s post, we present the CTO’s perspective: why EC2 was more attractive from a technology perspective:

The advantage of using Amazon’s EC2 over Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure is that for a highly interactive web applications such as Kerika, there needs to be multiple levels of caching of data.

Kerika maintains a cache within the browser so that it can avoid round trips to the server when the user moves objects around on the screen. Without that cache, the delays would be so long that users wouldn’t feel they were using a highly responsive desktop application – making it harder for us to .

There also needs to be a cache on the server side, and the most compelling reason for this is to reduce load on the database.

There are various ways to scale up a database, but none are as effective as simply minimizing the load on the database in the first place. A server-side cache is a simple way to do that. Because Kerika supports relationships between users, projects, idea pages, and so on, the server side cache has to maintain those relationships.

The Kerika server also must keep track of the state of the caches on its clients so that the it can maintain the clients in a current state, and thus avoid round trips to the server.

As a consequence of all this, Kerika uses servers with a large amount of RAM that needs to be quickly accessible for all of its users. Storing a large amount of data RAM is where EC2 becomes the only way to solve the problem. Because App Engine and Azure do not allow us to manage large amounts of RAM, they just weren’t good solutions for Kerika.

Another technical challenge is maintaining the long-lived browser connections that a Web application like Kerika depends upon. Google App Engine has the Channel API, but that doesn’t quite cut it for an application like Kerika.

Kerika needs to maintain several channels concurrently because users can be working with different combination of objects at the same time.

Kerika also makes use of broadcasts as a simple way to keep multiple users up to date. Because of EC2’s open architecture, we can use CometD as an off-the-shelf solution for client communication.

Finally, Google App Engine’s business model, which calls for charging two hours for each token doesn’t make economic sense in an environment where users are expected to navigate from page to page through the course of the day. EC2’s “pay-as-you-go” allows us to manage our traffic and keep operating costs down.

A surprisingly inelastic Elastic Load Balancer

Amazon’s Web Services are generally good, but they are not without flaws by any means, and in the past week we ran headlong into one of their limitations.

Some background, first: about a decade or two ago, people were very careful about how they typed in web addresses when using their browsers, because browsers weren’t very good at handling anything less than a perfectly formed URL. So, if you wanted to visit our website an eon ago, you probably would have typed in “”. Ah, those were the days… You would direct people to “hot top dub dub dub kerika dot com”.

As lifeforms evolved, the “hot top” (did anyone really pronounce it as “hiptytipty colon whack whack dub dub dub dot domain dot com”?) got dropped, and we had the alliterative rhythm of “dub dub dub kerika dot com”.

From a branding perspective, however, having all that extra junk in front of your name isn’t very attractive, and we would rather be known as “” than “”. After all, even in the crazy late 1990s when every company was guaranteed an immediate stock boost of 20% just by appending “.com” to their name, no one rushed to prefix their company names with “www.”

At Kerika, we decided that our canonical name of was the way to go, which is why typing in “” will land you at “”. Setting that up is easy enough using the CNAME fields in DNS. So far, so hiptytipty…

The problem arose when we decided to use Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancer, so that we could have multiple servers (or, more precisely, multiple Amazon Machine Instances or AMIs) in the cloud, all hidden behind a single load balancer. It all sounded good in theory, but the problem came with routing all of our traffic to this ELB.

Getting pointing to the ELB was easy enough by changing the CNAME in DNS, but in trying to to also point to the ELB we fell into that gap that exists all too often between documentation and reality. But what really surprised us was finding out that the problem had been known to Amazon since May 2009, and it still hadn’t been fixed.

We can only guess why a known problem like this would remain unfixed for two years. The promised solution is supposed to be Route 53, Amazon’s new DNS for their cloud services. We heard an interesting presentation about Route 53 at Amazon’s premises a week ago; it was too bad we didn’t know then that our planned use of ELB would hit a brick wall or we could have pestered the Amazonians about this problem. According to the Route 53 website:

In the future, we plan to add additional integration features such as the ability to automatically tie your Amazon Elastic Load Balancer instances to a DNS name, and the ability to route your customers to the closest EC2 region.

We are waiting…

In the Spring, a young man’s thoughts turn seriously to marriage…

In the spring, a young man’s thoughts turn lightly to love…

(from “Locksley Hall,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Well, one young man’s thoughts turned to marriage. A self-professed “English code monkey” (when was the last time you saw that particular conjunction of words?) has been using Kerika to help plan out his wedding.

He lives locally, as does his fiance, but his parents live in the U.K. and his in-laws-to-be are in Texas, and so – in a very unexpected and utterly delightful use case for Kerika – this fellow has been using Kerika to plan his wedding.

We have been fortunate to share his experiences first hand, and since he is a very organized code monkey, he took a number of screenshots of his Kerika application that he has written about in his own blog. He calls it his “big fat geek wedding”!

Choosing between Google’s App Engine and Amazon’s EC2

Back in the summer, when we were making our technology choices, we had to decide which company was going to provide our “cloud”. It really boiled down to a decision between Google’s App Engine and Amazon’s EC2. Microsoft’s Azure service was still relatively new, and in talking to one of their product evangelists we got the distinct impression that Microsoft was targeting Azure for their biggest customers. (That was nice of their product evangelist: not taking us down the garden path if there was a mismatch between our needs and Microsoft’s goals!)

Here’s why we chose EC2 over App Engine:

  • Amazon is accessible: both Amazon and Google have engineering centers in our neighborhood, and Amazon’s is, of course, the much larger presence, but the real issue was which company was more accessible? Amazon does a lot of outreach to the startup community in the Seattle area – Jeff Barr is everywhere! – whereas Google is a lot more aloof. It’s much easier to find an engineer or product manager at Amazon who will talk to you, and that really makes a difference for a startup. Real people matter.
  • There was negative buzz about App Engine, at least back in August. People in the startup community were talking about suffering outages, and not getting very good explanations about what had gone wrong. Google’s aloofness didn’t help: there wasn’t anyone reaching out to the community to explain what was happening and there was little acknowledgment of problems coming through on Google’s official channels.
  • To beta or not to beta? Google’s rather lavish use of the “beta” label (remember the many years that Gmail was in beta?), and their recent decision to pull the plug on Wave added to our nervousness. Were they serious about App Engine, or was this another science experiment?
  • An infinite loop of web pages: in the absence of any physical contact with Google, we tried to learn about their service through their web pages – well, duh, of course, dude! The problem was that much of the information is presented in a series of rather small pages, with links to more small pages. As an approach to information architecture – particularly one that’s biased towards being “discoverable” by a search engine – this makes a lot of sense, and the Kerika website takes as similar approach. The risk with this approach is that you can very easily find that you are following links that take you right back to where you started. (And our website runs the same risk; we look forward to your comments detailing our failings in this regard!)

While we were pondering this choice, Google came out with a rather interesting offer: unlimited free storage for a select handful of developers. (How select? Probably as select as one of Toyota’s Limited Edition cars, production of which is strictly limited to the number they can sell.) The offer was presented in the usual mysterious way: you went to an unadvertised website and made an application. Someone would let you know “soon” whether you would get past the velvet rope.

We thought we had a good chance of getting included in the program: after all, Kerika was designed to add value to Google Docs, and we were using a number of Google’s services, including their Open ID for registration. And, indeed, we were selected!

The only problem was that the reply came about 4 weeks later: an eon in startup time. By that time, we had already decided to go with EC2…

(Is EC2 perfect? No, not by a long shot, and we were particularly annoyed to find a rather fatal flaw – from our perspective – in the way their Elastic Load Balancer can be configured with canonical web addresses: a problem that’s been noted for 2 years already. Not cool to sit on a problem for 2 years, guys. Not cool at all.)

The development environment that’s worked for us

In our last post, we referred to our “dogfooding” Kerika by using for our testing process. Here’s some more information about how we set up our software development environment…

Our Requirements:

  • We needed to support a distributed team, of course. And our distributed team had a variety of preferences when it came to operating systems: there were folks that liked using Windows, folks that had only Macs, folks that used only Linux, and folks that liked using Linux as virtual machines running inside Windows… Since we were were developing a Web application, it didn’t make sense – neither from a philosophical perspective nor from a business strategy perspective – to insist that everybody use the same operating system. If we were going to build for the browser, we should be able to use any operating system we preferred: our output was, after all, going to be Java, Javascript and SVG.
  • We needed to deploy our software “in the cloud”, and that meant making sure our software could run well in a Linux environment. Microsoft’s Azure service was still relatively new, and, in any case, our back-end developers were more comfortable with Java than ASP.Net, so that fixed Java on Linux as a back-end requirement.
  • Our software had to run in all browsers: that effectively meant “modern browsers”, that happy euphemism for browsers that would conform to HTML5 standards. When we started development, we were uncertain about how Internet Explorer 9, which is still in beta, would evolve, but we have been very pleasantly surprised by the evolution of that product. (And a discussion in December with Ziad Ismail, IE9’s Director of Product Management, has since further reinforced our belief that Microsoft is very serious about standards compliance in IE9.)
  • We decided early on to build our front-end in Javascript and SVG, rather than Flash. We know of very few applications, even today, that attempt to deliver the kind of user interface combined with real-time networking that Kerika does using Javascript, and it’s not that we like crazy challenges because we are crazy people –we just didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire between Apple and Adobe over Flash. Having to choose between Caradhras and the Mines of Moria, like Gandalf we choose to brave the Mines…

Our choices:

  • Amazon’s EC2 and RDS for creating test and production environments; A2 hosting for our development environment. The choice was between EC2 and Google App Engine, and we will talk more in a separate blog post about why we chose Amazon over Google.
  • Eclipse for the developer’s IDE: it was cross-platform, and since everyone wanted to stick with their favorite operating system, it was Eclipse that straddled them all.
  • Jetty for web server: the choice was between Apache and Jetty, and we went with Jetty. Why? Well, that’s a blog post in itself…
  • Git for source code control: we looked at Subversion, but Git is better suited for distributed teams.
  • Maven for build management: once we decided on Eclipse, Git and Jetty, Maven kind of fell in place as a natural choice, since it worked well with all of the above.
  • Bugzilla for bug tracking: it’s a great tool, with a simple, flexible interface and it has matured very nicely over the past decade.

All of this has worked out quite well, and we would recommend this stack for other startups that are looking to develop Web applications.