Tag Archives: Best Practices

Kerika has a free Template for Career Development

Template for Career Development
This template can be used to set goals and deliverables, assess performance, manage career growth, and get needed training to master knowledge and skills.
Performance management and career development is an ongoing process: it’s not done just once a year; it requires continuous follow-up, adjustment when needed, and giving feedback.
Your main deliverables:
  • Matching an employee’s performance to desired objectives
  • Identifying and addressing performance gaps
  • Implementing personal development plans
  • Assessing the employee’s performance after implementation
How to use this template:
  1. Click on the USE TEMPLATE button on the top-right of the app and create your own Task Board; Kerika will set it up as using this template.

  2. If you are going to do it with others, add the people to this board’s team as Team Members. (Use the Board Team button on the top-right of the board.)

  3. If you have other stakeholders, e.g. management, add them as Visitors to this Board Team: they will be able to see what’s going on, but not make any changes.

  4. Start with the leftmost column, and pick up tasks one by one:
    • The tasks are in order, so start at the top.
    • Set the status of the task to IN PROGRESS so everyone knows that it has started.
    • Assign the task to yourself or your Team Members: you can assign tasks to more than one person.
    • Set a due date! This really helps in getting stuff done; Kerika will then alert you when things are slipping.
    • As work proceeds, use the chat feature to communicate within the team.
    • As you take photos or create contracts, be sure to add them to the tasks as attachments; Kerika will make sure they stay with the tasks so they are always easy to find.

  5. Once a task completes, move it to the Done column.

Kerika has a Template for Organizing a Design Huddle

Template for Design Huddles

This template can help you gather your designers, creatives, and other stakeholders to discuss and review your design projects, share updates and feedback, and collaborate to find design solutions.

It gives you a structured layout that includes design ideas, project updates, and feedback option. If you want one place to manage your multiple design projects and ideas, this template is perfect for you!

How to use this template:

  1. Use Resources: Use this column to gather useful tools and content that will help with the design project. You can use the existing resources as a starting point, and start adding your resources down the line.
  2. Concepts & Ideas: List your design concepts and ideas in this column. Collaborate and discuss ideas with your teammates, and decide which idea is the best to work on.
  3. In Progress: Once you decide which design idea to work on, create a card or move the card you already created to this column. Update the card regularly so other teammates know what’s going on.
  4. In Review:  When the task is completed, move the card from the ‘In Progress’ column to this column. In this column, you can ask the stakeholders for feedback or review your work.
  5. Implementation: Once your task is reviewed, and everyone is happy with the design, move the card to this column for the implementation.
  6. Done: After implementing the design, simply mark it as ‘Done’ or move to this column.

Kerika has a Template for Creating a Customer Journey Map

Template for Customer Journey Map
A customer journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. It’s used for understanding and addressing customer needs and pain points.
To understand this concept better, start with this great article from the Nielsen Norman Group: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/customer-journey-mapping/
We have distilled this down to a Kanban board with all the required steps that can be set up in just seconds using our free template.
How to use this template:
  1. Click on the USE TEMPLATE button and create your own board.
  2. Next, invite your coworkers to join this board. There’s a lot to get done, so hopefully you are not on your own!
    1. If you have stakeholders who need to know what’s going on, add them to this board as Visitors, so they will have a real-time view of progress without messing up anyone’s work.
  3. When you team has joined you, open the tasks one by one, starting at the top of the To Do column.
    1. Assign the task to yourself, or one of your team members. (A task can be assigned to more than one person.)
    2. Mark it as IN PROGRESS so everyone knows the task is underway.
  4. As each task gets worked on, people can contribute their ideas and documents right on the task card itself, so nothing gets lost.
  5. When the task gets completed, mark it as DONE.

Kerika has a Workflow for Planning your Blog Content

If you’re a business owner or a freelance content writer, it’s important to have a content strategy. Without a solid content strategy, you end up wasting a lot of time managing your content.

By having a solid plan and sticking to it, you won’t have to spend time coming up with new ideas or scrambling to meet deadlines. One of the best ways to build a content strategy is to use a content planner.

A Sample Board to View

Whether you’re working alone or with a team, a good content planner can really boost your productivity. So, let’s see how this company uses a content planner to plan and publish its SEO content.

Click on this image to view this sample board, live!

A Free Template to Use

If you found this board interesting, here’s a free Template from Kerika that you can use to set up your own board in just seconds:

Click on this image to view the Template.

The rest of this article will walk you through the process of using this template:

Step 1: Gather resources

If you’re a serious content writer, you already know the importance of gathering resources before you start writing. After all, you need to have something to write about!

One of the best ways to manage your gathered resources is to use a Content Planner. A Content Planner can help you organize your thoughts and ideas, and it can also help you find new and relevant information to write about.

Step 2: Research Content Ideas

Before you start writing, you need to have an idea of what you want to write about. Make a list of content ideas that you think would be popular with your audience.

You can get content ideas by checking out your competitors, looking for news stories, looking for guest post ideas, and brainstorming ideas with your team.

Step 3: Drafting

Now it’s time to start writing your content. Keep your keywords in mind as you write and try to include them naturally in your text.

Step 4: Designing graphics content

Graphics in blogs capture your reader’s attention, communicate your message more clearly, and overall make your blog more visually appealing.

Once the article is ready, the next step is to add graphics to it. Graphics are important to capture your reader’s attention and make your blog more visually appealing.

Step 5: Integration/Schedule Content:

Once you’re finished writing, you need to integrate your content into your website. You can do this by adding a blog to your website or by scheduling your content to be published on your website later on.

Step 6: Promote Content

Finally, you need to promote your content. You can do this by sharing it on social media, writing guest posts on other blogs, or by paying for advertising.

Like this Template?

You can use it for free!