A surprisingly inelastic Elastic Load Balancer

Amazon’s Web Services are generally good, but they are not without flaws by any means, and in the past week we ran headlong into one of their limitations.

Some background, first: about a decade or two ago, people were very careful about how they typed in web addresses when using their browsers, because browsers weren’t very good at handling anything less than a perfectly formed URL. So, if you wanted to visit our website an eon ago, you probably would have typed in “http://www.kerika.com”. Ah, those were the days… You would direct people to “hot top dub dub dub kerika dot com”.

As lifeforms evolved, the “hot top” (did anyone really pronounce it as “hiptytipty colon whack whack dub dub dub dot domain dot com”?) got dropped, and we had the alliterative rhythm of “dub dub dub kerika dot com”.

From a branding perspective, however, having all that extra junk in front of your name isn’t very attractive, and we would rather be known as “Kerika.com” than “www.kerika.com”. After all, even in the crazy late 1990s when every company was guaranteed an immediate stock boost of 20% just by appending “.com” to their name, no one rushed to prefix their company names with “www.”

At Kerika, we decided that our canonical name of kerika.com was the way to go, which is why typing in “www.kerika.com” will land you at “kerika.com”. Setting that up is easy enough using the CNAME fields in DNS. So far, so hiptytipty…

The problem arose when we decided to use Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancer, so that we could have multiple servers (or, more precisely, multiple Amazon Machine Instances or AMIs) in the cloud, all hidden behind a single load balancer. It all sounded good in theory, but the problem came with routing all of our traffic to this ELB.

Getting www.kerika.com pointing to the ELB was easy enough by changing the CNAME in DNS, but in trying to kerika.com to also point to the ELB we fell into that gap that exists all too often between documentation and reality. But what really surprised us was finding out that the problem had been known to Amazon since May 2009, and it still hadn’t been fixed.

We can only guess why a known problem like this would remain unfixed for two years. The promised solution is supposed to be Route 53, Amazon’s new DNS for their cloud services. We heard an interesting presentation about Route 53 at Amazon’s premises a week ago; it was too bad we didn’t know then that our planned use of ELB would hit a brick wall or we could have pestered the Amazonians about this problem. According to the Route 53 website:

In the future, we plan to add additional integration features such as the ability to automatically tie your Amazon Elastic Load Balancer instances to a DNS name, and the ability to route your customers to the closest EC2 region.

We are waiting…

4 thoughts on “A surprisingly inelastic Elastic Load Balancer

  1. Hi,

    I am one of the developer of DNS30 – this a web based GUI tool for Amazon route 53.
    You can create, delete hosted zones.
    Add sub domains, resource records to your hosted zone. We are always updated with Amazon route 53 plans and provide updated version and capability.
    DNS30 – http://www.dns30.com

  2. Route 53 is designed to automatically scale to handle very large query volumes without any intervention from user.We have developed a UI tool for this interface – DNS30 Professional Edition.We also have online interface for this application.

  3. I am one of the developer of DNS30 – this a web based GUI tool for Amazon route 53.
    You can create, delete hosted zones.
    Add sub domains, resource records to your hosted zone. We are always updated with Amazon route 53 plans and provide updated version and capability.
    DNS30 – http://www.dns30.com


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