Our latest, greatest version: Copy/Paste, Share/Join, and more

We have been hard at work over the past couple of months: taking in feedback from our early adopters and using this to fix bugs, improve usability, and provide some very useful new features.

Here’s a quick summary of some of the stuff we have built in the past month or so:

  1. Added Copy, Cut, Paste as New, and Paste as Links. The Paste as Links feature is particularly powerful.
  2. Added a Share! button and a Join! button that makes it easy for people to create public projects and get people to join in their particular advocacy cause.
  3. Brought back double-clicking (after having taken it out in an previous version…)
  4. Made the text blocks more flexible, with the ability to embed URLs and autosizing.
  5. Improved our Google Docs Finder.
  6. Worked around numerous limitations of Google Docs.

We will describe each of these in more detail in subsequent blog posts, and we obviously have a lot of work on our hands to update our website to reflect all this new functionality! Oh, and about 200 bugs were found and obliterated in the past 2 months…

(Lots of people have provided useful feedback, but special thanks go to Michael Parker from Marketingeek and Alexander Caskey from High Bridge Communications.)


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