You used to be able to sort all the cards in a column by Due Date, now you can also sort them by person and by status!

This makes it even easier than before to manage large boards:
Sorting By Status organizes cards as follows:
- Critical
- Is Blocked
- Needs Review
- Needs Rework
- Ready to Pull
- Hold
This makes it easy to organize your day: all the most important stuff, e.g. the cards that are Critical or Blocked, come to the top of the column where they are not likely to be overlooked.
Sort by Person organizes cards so that you can see all the items that are assigned to individuals: all the cards assigned to Arun, for example, will show up together within the column.
And where cards are assigned to several people, a simple alphabetical sort is applied on the names.
You still have Sort by Date: Kerika is smart about showing you only those sorting options that are relevant to your situation, and if a particular column doesn’t have any Due Dates, this sort option is not shown.
We just made it easier for you to manage very large boards :-)