A simple weekly calendar

Here’s a simple template that you can use to plan your work week: for yourself, and the team.

Screenshot of simple template for Weekly Schedule
Click to view this template
How to use this template:
  1. As tasks land on your desk through the day, add them as separate items (cards) in the left-most To Do column.
    • At least once a day make sure everything in the To Do column is sorted by priority, with the most important items on the top of the column.
  2. Every Monday plan out your week by dragging tasks from the To Do column to one of the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
  3. When you plan your week, consider any deadlines for your tasks. Not all tasks will have firm deadlines, but if they do, you should open the task and set a due date.
    1. Click on your face/avatar in the top-right corner of the app and use the Sync Calendar option to make sure your due dates from Kerika also show up in whatever calendar you use: Apple, Microsoft or Google. This needs to be done only once: after you connect your personal calendar with your Kerika account, any changes in due dates that you make in Kerika will automatically show in your calendar as well.
  4. Consider whether this is a personal calendar or a team calendar: if you want to plan out the week for an entire team, add them as Team Members to this board by clicking on the Board Team button. This is a great way to keep an entire team in sync.
  5. If you are using this as a team board, when you pick up tasks one by one make sure you set the status of each to In Progress, or whatever is relevant. This makes it easy for everyone on the team to know what’s happening, which is especially important in these days of remote work.
  6. When a task completes, mark it as Done! If you decide that a task doesn’t make sense anymore (maybe it is no longer needed?) you can move it to the Trash.
At the end of the week, hopefully, everything in the Monday through Friday columns will be moved to Done.
At the beginning of the next week, you can repeat the process: pull items from the To Do column into the other columns as you plan your next week.
New tasks will, of course, show in the middle of the week: the best thing to do is add them to the To Do column unless they are urgent; this will help you and your team not get disrupted too often during the middle of the week.
Try this template and see if your workweek gets less hectic.

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