How to Plan your Social Media Content

Another Marketing template for our users: this time, for folks that need to plan and execute on a social media content strategy.

Screenshot of the Social Media Content Planner template
Click to view this template

You can use this advance your marketing goals using Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

This template comes with a bunch of useful resources, like this card on listing your Call-To-Actions (CTAs):

An example of a resource card
An example of a resource card

We have also provided sample task cards for managing your posts, like this one for posting on Facebook:

Screenshot of Task for Facebook Post
Task for Facebook Post

This task, like the others, also comes complete with a checklist of subtasks so you don’t miss anything:

Screenshot of Checklist for Facebook Post
Checklist for Facebook Post

These sample task cards can be easily duplicated as you move through your social media content strategy.

Check out this template and let us know what you think!