In the Spring, a young man’s thoughts turn seriously to marriage…

In the spring, a young man’s thoughts turn lightly to love…

(from “Locksley Hall,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Well, one young man’s thoughts turned to marriage. A self-professed “English code monkey” (when was the last time you saw that particular conjunction of words?) has been using Kerika to help plan out his wedding.

He lives locally, as does his fiance, but his parents live in the U.K. and his in-laws-to-be are in Texas, and so – in a very unexpected and utterly delightful use case for Kerika – this fellow has been using Kerika to plan his wedding.

We have been fortunate to share his experiences first hand, and since he is a very organized code monkey, he took a number of screenshots of his Kerika application that he has written about in his own blog. He calls it his “big fat geek wedding”!

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