Google+ isn’t ready for world domination

We just spent an hour trying, fruitlessly, to set up a “Google Hangout on Air”, and about the only thing we can conclude is that all those folks who are worried about Google’s plan for world domination can relax: Google isn’t close to having a single ID to track everyone.

In order to do a Hangout on Air (a public Hangout, that up to 10 people? can view), you need to have a YouTube channel connected to your Google+ account.

Well, we do have a YouTube channel for, and Google+ account, also for, but that’s not good enough for Google which keeps providing this singularly unhelpful message:

Trying (and failing) to start a Google Hangout
Trying (and failing) to start a Google Hangout

Clicking on the “Click here to get started” link, which you might reasonably expect to take you to a control panel screen of some sort, just takes you down a wild-goose chase of outdated help pages from Google. These help pages have clearly not kept up with UI changes at YouTube, nor even with UI changes on Google+ itself.

Trying to make sure our Google+ profile is complete doesn’t help either: Google+ tells us that our profile is 85% complete, and that we have done everything we need:


at 85 percent
at 85 percent

Pretty painful experience; we are going to stick with GoToMeeting for now.

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