We discovered recently, to our considerable annoyance, that it is possible for AdBlock to mess up our website in a really serious way, even though we don’t serve up any advertisements of any sort (and never have.)
Here’s what was happening: when you use AdBlock, you have the option to add various lists of advertising sources. (You can find them here.)
One of these lists is from someone called fanboy.
If you subscribed to fanboy’s EasyList, for example, Kerika’s sign up page would not display the buttons for Kerika+Google and Kerika+Box:

(The same problem showed upon the Login page as well.)
It turns out that the EasyList filter uses JavaScript classes called social-media-header’ and social-media-button, social-button and soc-button which were also the names of classes that Kerika was using.
The conflict caused Kerika’s signup and login buttons for Kerika+Google and Kerika+Box to not appear for Chrome and Firefox users who had AdBlock installed.
It took a while to figure out this was the cause. We are not fans of fanboy.