When you reference a URL in a Task Board or Scrum Board’s cards or chat, Kerika fetches the title for that page and shows that instead of the URL.
This makes the URL references a lot easier for people to understand, because a “naked URL” would be difficult to comprehend.
But this wasn’t working great for Google Docs URLs: we were showing the same generic title from Google each time. Here’s an example of the problem:

Simply showing the URL reference in it’s “naked” form as https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ps9gl-Yopg6IsyKN_6nmnZCkUZChAwPahDKONvno6AQ/edit would make it pretty incomprehensible, but showing the generic Google Docs page title wasn’t a huge improvement either because the page title is the same for all Google Docs URLs:

What we need to do is get the actual Google Doc title, which would make for a useful reference because it would be (presumably) unique and meaningful in the context.