Monthly Archives: July 2022

A new template: Career Development for your Employees

We have a new Kerika template for folks who need to manage Career Development for their employees, in the private, public or nonprofit sectors.

Career Development Template

This template contains all tasks you need to complete, and it also comes with document templates, like this one for doing a Performance Appraisal:

Performance Appraisal

This template was prepared for Kerika by an experienced HR professional; we hope you find it useful!

Let us know what other templates we should be building.


A new template: Career Development for your Employees

We have a new Kerika template for folks who need to manage Career Development for their employees, in the private, public or nonprofit sectors.

Career Development Template

This template contains all tasks you need to complete, and it also comes with document templates, like this one for doing a Performance Appraisal:

Performance Appraisal

This template was prepared for Kerika by an experienced HR professional; we hope you find it useful!

Let us know what other templates we should be building.


How to import boards from Trello

We have added an exciting new feature: if you were previously using Trello, you can import that data, completely, into Kerika!

We have been testing this as a convenience feature and based upon positive feedback we have expanded this for everyone.

New users will be offered this as an option when they set up their Kerika accounts:

Screenshot showing how new Kerika users can import boards from Trello
How new Kerika users can import boards from Trello

All users will have this option whenever they want to create a new Kerika board:

Screenshot showing how all users can import from Trello when creating a new Kerika board
All users can import from Trello when creating a new Kerika board

We built this feature because we have heard from many people switched over from Trello and really liked Kerika’s user experience, features, and support. In the past they had to manually recreate their work inside Trello; now that’s all automated!

Everything is handled nicely: your Trello cards, lists, people, task details, etc. come over. Once you are done, a single click can then send out invitations to all your old Trello colleagues to join you in Kerika.



How to import boards from Trello

We have added an exciting new feature: if you were previously using Trello, you can import that data, completely, into Kerika!

We have been testing this as a convenience feature and based upon positive feedback we have expanded this for everyone.

New users will be offered this as an option when they set up their Kerika accounts:

Screenshot showing how new Kerika users can import boards from Trello
How new Kerika users can import boards from Trello

All users will have this option whenever they want to create a new Kerika board:

Screenshot showing how all users can import from Trello when creating a new Kerika board
All users can import from Trello when creating a new Kerika board

We built this feature because we have heard from many people switched over from Trello and really liked Kerika’s user experience, features, and support. In the past they had to manually recreate their work inside Trello; now that’s all automated!

Everything is handled nicely: your Trello cards, lists, people, task details, etc. come over. Once you are done, a single click can then send out invitations to all your old Trello colleagues to join you in Kerika.
