When you are working with a large board and a large team, it’s often useful to see just those cards that are assigned to some people.
For example, you might want to just see those cards that are assigned to you, so that you can focus on getting your stuff done and not get distracted by everything else that’s going on.
With our newest release of Kerika, we have made this both possible and easy.
One quick menu choice, within our new Filter dialog, will make it possible for you to filter your view of a Task Board or Scrum Board to just see the items assigned to you:

If you are a Project Leader, you might want to filter your view of a board even further, and Kerika makes that easy:

This view is particularly handy if you are trying to deal with staffing issues: for example, if one person has called in sick, you can first filter your view to show just the items assigned to that person, and then add more cards to your view to see how busy someone else on the team is, if you are thinking of offloading the sick person’s work to someone else.