Monthly Archives: January 2015

Kanban in a Can: Capture, Visualize and Optimize your Everyday Processes

At the Jan 12, 2015 meeting of the Washington State Lean Practitioners Community of Practice meeting, organized by Results Washington at the Department of Labor & Industries in Tumwater, Arun Kumar presented Kanban in a Can: Capture, Visualize and Optimize your Everyday Processes.

Here’s the presentation on Slideshare (although most of it was actually a demo!):

The meeting was attended by dozens of Lean experts representing a huge variety of state agencies in Washington!

Lean Practitioners meeting
Lean Practitioners meeting

Kanban in a Can: Capture, Visualize and Optimize your Everyday Processes

At the Jan 12, 2015 meeting of the Washington State Lean Practitioners Community of Practice meeting, organized by Results Washington at the Department of Labor & Industries in Tumwater, Arun Kumar presented Kanban in a Can: Capture, Visualize and Optimize your Everyday Processes.

Here’s the presentation on Slideshare (although most of it was actually a demo!):

The meeting was attended by dozens of Lean experts representing a huge variety of state agencies in Washington!

Lean Practitioners meeting
Lean Practitioners meeting

Viewing your Kerika canvas like a regular Web page

Did you know that any Kerika canvas, whether on a standalone Whiteboard or attached to a card on a Task Board or Scrum Board, can be viewed as a regular Web page by folks who have been given access to the board?

Kerika automatically creates a version of your canvas that can be viewed without the Kerika application: you can get this version by using the Project Info dialog, or, more simply, by just changing the “m” in the canvas’s URL to a “c”:

Web page version of Canvas
Web page version of Canvas

Every Kerika page has a URL of the form “…”

The URLs are randomly generated and unique: every card, every canvas, every board has a unique URL.

The first part of the URL is always of the form… There’s no special reason for using the “m”; it’s just part of Kerika’s history.

But if you change the “m” to a “c”, like in the example above where “” becomes “”, then you can view the Web page version of the canvas.

In the Web page version there are no buttons or other indications of the Kerika software: it looks and works just like a regular Web page.

Of course, security is not compromised: you cannot view the Web page version of a canvas if you aren’t permitted to access the Kerika canvas itself.

Help! Our designer is becoming a hipster…

We are facing a small crisis over here at Kerika… Our designer has turned hipster.  Apparently he has been drinking hand-crafted beer from a Mason jar while watching the sunset from the rooftop.  It might have something to do with the temperature hitting 61 degrees Fahrenheit today, which pretty much qualifies as mid-summer in Seattle.

Beer from a mason jar
Beer from a mason jar


Kerika’s UI will probably change real soon. Expect it to get more hip.

How long things stay in the Clipboard

When you copy or cut an item on a Kerika board — a set of cards, or may be some things sitting on a Canvas — these objects are placed in a special Clipboard that sits on the Kerika server, not in your browser.

This is important to note for several reasons:

  • Because the Clipboard is on the server, you won’t lose the items if your network connection breaks before you have a chance to paste whatever you cut.
  • The Clipboard will hold on to the items for 20 minutes, to give you time to think about where you want to put them. (And, to recover from any network problems you may have experienced.)
  • If you don’t paste something that you had previously cut, the Clipboard “releases” it back to where it was originally, after waiting 20 minutes to go by while you ponder. But, if you are impatient, you can reverse your cut action sooner simply by clicking on the cut items, which continue to appear in a faded (greyed-out) appearance on your board.
  • Because the Clipboard is on the Kerika Server, other team members won’t see the change until you actually do the paste. So, for example, if you have cut some cards from a Task Board or Scrum Board and haven’t pasted them yet, your project team members will continue to see the items on the old board until you complete the paste.
  • And, finally, here’s a great feature, thanks to the Server Clipboard: one of your team members can be making changes to a card while you are in the process of cutting-and-pasting it, and those changes aren’t lost. That’s because the object is stored on the server rather than your browser, making it possible for your team members to make changes even as you are in the process of doing a cut-and-paste.

How long things stay in the Clipboard

When you copy or cut an item on a Kerika board — a set of cards, or may be some things sitting on a Canvas — these objects are placed in a special Clipboard that sits on the Kerika server, not in your browser.

This is important to note for several reasons:

  • Because the Clipboard is on the server, you won’t lose the items if your network connection breaks before you have a chance to paste whatever you cut.
  • The Clipboard will hold on to the items for 20 minutes, to give you time to think about where you want to put them. (And, to recover from any network problems you may have experienced.)
  • If you don’t paste something that you had previously cut, the Clipboard “releases” it back to where it was originally, after waiting 20 minutes to go by while you ponder. But, if you are impatient, you can reverse your cut action sooner simply by clicking on the cut items, which continue to appear in a faded (greyed-out) appearance on your board.
  • Because the Clipboard is on the Kerika Server, other team members won’t see the change until you actually do the paste. So, for example, if you have cut some cards from a Task Board or Scrum Board and haven’t pasted them yet, your project team members will continue to see the items on the old board until you complete the paste.
  • And, finally, here’s a great feature, thanks to the Server Clipboard: one of your team members can be making changes to a card while you are in the process of cutting-and-pasting it, and those changes aren’t lost. That’s because the object is stored on the server rather than your browser, making it possible for your team members to make changes even as you are in the process of doing a cut-and-paste.

Upgrading our server infrastructure

We had problems occasionally with our servers running reliably, and if you were unlucky you may have noticed this.

Well, it took a very, very long time but we have finally figured out what’s happening.

It turns out that the garbage collection function on the Java Virtual Machine that runs our server software (all on a Linux virtual machine running on Amazon Web Service) was having problems: most of the time the garbage collection runs just fine on an incremental basis, taking up only a fraction of a second of CPU time, and periodically the JVM would do a full garbage collection as well.

The problem we are facing is that sometimes this full garbage collection would fail and immediately restart.

In the worst-case scenario, the garbage collection would start, fail and restart over and over again, until the server basically thrashed.  And each time the full garbage collection ran, it took 5-7 seconds of CPU time (which is a really long time, btw).

We are trying to understand the best long-term solution for this, but in the short-term we can mitigate the problem in a variety of ways, including upgrading our server virtual machines to have more RAM.

One reason it took so long to debug is that we were chasing a red herring: we had noticed network spikes happening frequently, and we wrongly assumed these were correlated to the server’s CPU load spiking, but this turned out to be coincidental rather than causal.

Sorry about all this.

Avoid using these characters when you name your projects

Some characters shouldn’t be used when you name a project — and we are going to make a change in Kerika that will rename any old projects you have to replace these characters with blank spaces — because they cause problems when you need to export the cards on your Task Board or Scrum Board.

Here’s what you need to avoid:

  • Forward slash (“/”)
  • Backward slash (“\”)
  • Colon (“:”)
  • Semi-colon (“;”)

When you do an export, the exported data are stored in a file in your Google Drive (if you are using Kerika+Google) or your Box account (if you are using Kerika+Box) and these characters are used by these cloud services as file separator characters, which means they cannot be part of a file name.

So, your export will fail (and we end up logging an error on our server, which doesn’t make us happy either)

We did make a change in Kerika a month ago that stopped new projects from using these characters in their names, but it looks like there are still a bunch of old projects out there that have these characters in their names, and now we are going to try to clean up these as well.

Avoid using these characters when you name your projects

Some characters shouldn’t be used when you name a project — and we are going to make a change in Kerika that will rename any old projects you have to replace these characters with blank spaces — because they cause problems when you need to export the cards on your Task Board or Scrum Board.

Here’s what you need to avoid:

  • Forward slash (“/”)
  • Backward slash (“\”)
  • Colon (“:”)
  • Semi-colon (“;”)

When you do an export, the exported data are stored in a file in your Google Drive (if you are using Kerika+Google) or your Box account (if you are using Kerika+Box) and these characters are used by these cloud services as file separator characters, which means they cannot be part of a file name.

So, your export will fail (and we end up logging an error on our server, which doesn’t make us happy either)

We did make a change in Kerika a month ago that stopped new projects from using these characters in their names, but it looks like there are still a bunch of old projects out there that have these characters in their names, and now we are going to try to clean up these as well.