Tag Archives: Tutorial

Tutorials on how to use Kerika.

Getting a lot done: using Kerika at scale

And yet another tutorial video, part of our ongoing effort to create a bunch of learning materials for new users! This one is about getting a lot done, which means using Kerika for large scale projects.

Kerika’s Highlights feature help you zoom in on what really matters, even when you are working on a Task Board or Scrum Board board with hundreds of cards.

And Kerika’s Views feature helps you stay on top of things no matter how many projects you have underway at any time.

Here’s a quick tutorial video on how to get the most out of Kerika’s Highlights and Views:



Wrestling with SSL certificates

We had previously been using SSL certificates for our website (kerika.com) and this blog (which is on a subdomain: blog.kerika.com) that we got from GoDaddy, but we have moved away from them.

What pushed us away was their aggressive approach to billing customers: they automatically renewed our SSL certificates after just 9 months into a 12-month contract, which we found unacceptable.  Talking to their customer service people was an unhappy experience as well, so we decided to not do any more business with GoDaddy.

Now we are using a SSL from Amazon for our website and app (kerika.com): Amazon actually provides free SSL certificates to sites hosted on Amazon Web Services, and it was easy and simple to set up.

However, AWS doesn’t provide wildcard SSL certificates so we couldn’t handle our blog as well — particularly as our blog isn’t hosted at AWS. Instead we got a SSL certificate for the blog from RapidSSL which is reasonably priced.

So far, so good.