We have added temple.edu to the list of domains that automatically qualify for free Academic Accounts — just sign up with your @temple.edu email and you can have up to 10 Team Members working on the Task Boards, Scrum Boards and Whiteboards owned by your account.
We have added temple.edu to the list of domains that automatically qualify for free Academic Accounts — just sign up with your @temple.edu email and you can have up to 10 Team Members working on the Task Boards, Scrum Boards and Whiteboards owned by your account.
We have added temple.edu to the list of domains that automatically qualify for free Academic Accounts — just sign up with your @temple.edu email and you can have up to 10 Team Members working on the Task Boards, Scrum Boards and Whiteboards owned by your account.
As part of our continuing series, we have produced an updated tutorial video on how Whiteboards work in Kerika, both as standalone project boards, and when attached to cards on Task Boards and Scrum Boards:
We have added @Open Window in South Africa to the list of schools we support with free Kerika Accounts. Sign up with an openwindow.co.za email and you will automatically qualify.
Here’s a feature that we suspect most people probably don’t know about: you can embed a live Twitter feed on any Kerika Whiteboard.
While working on a Whiteboard, click on the Add Web Content button that appears in the left-hand toolbar, towards the bottom:
Adding Twitter feed to Whiteboard
You can reference Twitter feeds with a simple “@” symbol: you can add Kerika’s Twitter feed just by typing in “@Kerika”.
The Twitter feed appears as a live object on your Whiteboard:
Live Twitter feed on Whiteboard
You might find it convenient to rename the URL to something more descriptive: you can do this by selecting the object and using the right-mouse button to get this menu:
Renaming Twitter feed for WhiteboardEmbedded Twitter feed on Kerika Whiteboard
Here’s a feature that we suspect most people probably don’t know about: you can embed a live Twitter feed on any Kerika Whiteboard.
While working on a Whiteboard, click on the Add Web Content button that appears in the left-hand toolbar, towards the bottom:
Adding Twitter feed to Whiteboard
You can reference Twitter feeds with a simple “@” symbol: you can add Kerika’s Twitter feed just by typing in “@Kerika”.
The Twitter feed appears as a live object on your Whiteboard:
Live Twitter feed on Whiteboard
You might find it convenient to rename the URL to something more descriptive: you can do this by selecting the object and using the right-mouse button to get this menu:
Renaming Twitter feed for WhiteboardEmbedded Twitter feed on Kerika Whiteboard
Here’s a feature that we suspect most people probably don’t know about: you can embed a live Twitter feed on any Kerika Whiteboard.
While working on a Whiteboard, click on the Add Web Content button that appears in the left-hand toolbar, towards the bottom:
Adding Twitter feed to Whiteboard
You can reference Twitter feeds with a simple “@” symbol: you can add Kerika’s Twitter feed just by typing in “@Kerika”.
The Twitter feed appears as a live object on your Whiteboard:
Live Twitter feed on Whiteboard
You might find it convenient to rename the URL to something more descriptive: you can do this by selecting the object and using the right-mouse button to get this menu:
Renaming Twitter feed for WhiteboardEmbedded Twitter feed on Kerika Whiteboard
An updated tutorial video shows you how you will always know what changed on all your Kerika boards, even when you are working on the other side of the world.