Tag Archives: Kanban

About Kanban. See also Lean.

An improvement to our Views function

We just updated Kerika today, and along with the usual bug fixes and other behind-the-scenes stuff we have made an improvement to the way Views are shown on your Home Page:

Improved Views in Kerika
Improved Views in Kerika

Some of our users have dozens of boards in active use at the same time, with large (and sometimes overlapping) teams, and as a result their Views counts are nearly always high.

As you can see from the screenshot above, the Home page now shows two counts for each View:

  • The total number of items that match for that View, and
  • The number of items that match that are assigned to you.

This makes it easier to see if you need to go back to a View to catch up on something that’s directly related to you, i.e. is assigned to you.

Getting a lot done: using Kerika at scale

And yet another tutorial video, part of our ongoing effort to create a bunch of learning materials for new users! This one is about getting a lot done, which means using Kerika for large scale projects.

Kerika’s Highlights feature help you zoom in on what really matters, even when you are working on a Task Board or Scrum Board board with hundreds of cards.

And Kerika’s Views feature helps you stay on top of things no matter how many projects you have underway at any time.

Here’s a quick tutorial video on how to get the most out of Kerika’s Highlights and Views:



Bug, fixed: making sure your Daily Task Summary gets sent at 6AM

We recently found and fixed an odd bug related to the optional 6AM Daily Task Summary email that you can get from Kerika: if you had toggled the preference setting for this email — from ON to OFF, and back to ON again — the email was getting sent at 8AM instead of 6AM.

Daily Task Reminder
Daily Task Reminder (click for larger image)

Essentially a coding mistake on our part, and one we didn’t notice (and none of our users noticed, either) for a long time because no one would try changing this preference setting very often.

The bug’s been fixed.